What ED+C does that is different
and what that means to you…
ED+C makes projects come together simpler, better, faster and more economically. Our team’s engineering design professionals have an eye from the operations perspective, identifying and addressing coordination and operational concerns as an integral part of the design and construction process.
Visualize the Savings. Visualize the Satisfaction.
ED+C approaches every project from a multidisciplinary perspective saving you hours of responding to RFIs, countless costly hours of meetings with multiple contractors, and helping you avoid many if not all change orders.
ED+C is driven to ensure that each project is not only 100% complete in construction but also 100% operational and ready for efficient utilization in accord with your company’s standards.
ED+C develops an execution strategy of involving all concerned parties at the project’s start that makes your construction deadline achievable and the project’s full utilization possible on day one.
ED+C solves problems in real time as they occur, saving you time and expense in revisiting the problem multiple times with different consulting and constructing contractors.
ED+C reviews and understands design and construction contracts. We save you time and expense in trying to ensure each trade performs to contract and meets its contractual obligations once again saving you time and expense.
ED+C assists in ensuring that the proper scope is procured at the time of the contractor award saving you time and expense for redesign and retooling contractors.
ED+C eliminates or reduces the need for value engineering options after the project is out to bid saving you time and expense.
ED+C partners with all stakeholders: Project Mangers, Procurement Managers, Financial Managers, General Contractors, Real Estate Managers, Program Managers, Owners Reps, Design Groups, and Operations Managers to ensure cohesiveness and consistency saving you time and unnecessary expense.
ED+C is best suited to understand the more technical requirements of the project. These are often the least understood by Managers outside the design team. You benefit from having objective and insightful eyes on the project looking out for your interests which save time, meet your deadline, enhance operational efficiency, and save unnecessary expense.
ED+C ensures that you get what you pay for and that your project operates and is managed as planned. We partner with you in all aspects of the project and facilitate toward a well-managed, well-performed and operational project that you and your associates are proud of.
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Visualize the Savings. Visualize the Satisfaction.